XXL Nutrition

Russische Coach Boris Sheiko programma's

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Freaky Bodybuilder
15 jaar lid
Lid sinds
24 okt 2002
De schema's:

Monthly Training Plan - 1

Monthly Training Plan - 2

Advanced - 1

Advanced - 2

Yuri Ustinov zei:
World Powerlifting
The Report of Russian coach Yuri Ustinov about a test of training program of Boris Sheiko on drug free lifter of average level.

Sheiko Training Programs. Do they work on regular people? After these programs of Boris Sheiko have been posted on the net, and also in some powerlifting magazines, the huge wave of different opinions about it came up. Will the natural powerlifter be able to handle all the work and volume? Or the mega-dose of steroids is required? Or, right after lifter has started to follow the program, he will definitely get chronically overtraining stress? And how to rehabilitate after, if beside of that some other things present, such as job (school), family? Totally, there were many questions and arguments about the program. There was only one method – a test.

I made an experiment (I can’t find another word) in my hometown Novorossiysk, of prospective progress in the results of average lifter by working on Boris Sheiko program.

In the beginning I would say about the sportsman, the major person in my experiment. Alexander Barabash. He was born in 1972. Master of Sport in track and field. Was specializing in running for 400 meters over boards. His height is about 2 meters (!). Weight – 97 kg. By that time he was already a candidate to Master of Sport in powerlifting, working out with weights since 1998. As you can see from this information, he does not have any special benefits or advantages for doing powerlifting. Long muscles, “running”. Beside of that, Alexander works very hard (he has his own business) and has a family.

The program for two months has been chosen. One month from preparation period, and second from competition period of candidates to Master of Sport and Masters of Sport. At the last contest (Novorossiysk’s Summer Championship) he has lifted in squat – 222.5 kg, bench press – 122.5 kg and deadlift – 235 kg. Therefore the percentage was taken of these weights. But in the process of training after the test Alex has increased these numbers by 5 kg in squat and bench press.

As very responsible and “hard” man, Alex was following every point of all workouts. It was extremely hot. In that summer in Novorossiysk the temperature was getting +50C in shadow! Our gym is located right under the sun and is not equipped with airconditioners.

But Alex was working out without any problems and did not miss a one workout.

We planed to get him up to pick of shape by Krasnodar regional championship, but it was not held. Especially for Alex we have made a City Records Day.

The result was phenomenal. I will repeat, a person is 2 meters high, with body weight of just 97 kg! Hands are long, legs are even longer. Just imagine, how comfortable he is!

Without any competitors, you will agree that it is very important; Alex’s squat was 245 kg, bench press – 142.5 kg and deadlift – 240 kg. In deadlift he was “soft”, because of competitors absence. He had some extra kilos to lift in squat. In bench press his attempt for 145 was redlighted by referees.

47.5 kg within two months! I think it is a good increase in total.

So, now you have to judge. Does the system work or not? It is important, as I think, to count the percentage correctly. For the maximum weights you should take a real numbers, but not those that you want to lift after. And one more thing: Alex had worn knee wraps during the hard day in squat, and easy day – without them. All the rest he has done without special uniform. He had worn the special uniform only for the test and contest. Also, a power of spirit plays the major role during workouts such as those. Each workout takes more than 2.5 hours. But if this system has worked out with the lifter without any advantages for powerlifting, so I think, it will work on every other lifter.

Honestly, I don’t know how this system will work on a lifter of highest level, because the weights are absolutely different. But the experience of Sergey Mor, Alexey Sivokon and Maxim Podtynniy says for itself.

P.S. Six months later Alex has participated at the 2000 Open Moscow’s Cup and lifted the following: squat – 250 kg (very easy), bench press – 152.5 kg, deadlift – 250 kg. He is still following the training programs of Boris Sheiko, and does not plan to stop on this level.
Laatst bewerkt door een moderator:
das weer wat anders: twee keer een serie deadlift sets in één sessie :D

Ik mag die Russen wel.

Je post brengt weer meer verwarring in mijn kleine PL awareness, thnx!
Ik heb een dom vraagje, schema 1 en 2, zijn hetzelfde zover ik kan zien, alleen andere reps en sets. Maar is schema 1 de 1e periode van 4weken, en schema 2 de 2e periode van 4weken? Of horen deze schema's gewoon helemaal niet bijelkaar???
Zijn aparte schema´s.
Zijn mensen hier op het forum(EQ) die in zeer korte tijd heel goede gains hebben gemaakt op hun bench.
j354j4 zei:
Zijn mensen hier op het forum(EQ) die in zeer korte tijd heel goede gains hebben gemaakt op hun bench.
Hmm oke, ik ga der morgen toch mee beginnen. Zie wel waar het schip strand:D
Zijn mensen hier op het forum(EQ) die in zeer korte tijd heel goede gains hebben gemaakt op hun bench.

Ik vind van mezelf dat ik een goede vooruitgang heb gemaakt.
van met heel veel moeite 30 kg naar een moeiteloze 65 kg zonr suit
voor een dame in de -56kg
Dat is zeker netjes ja. Ik heb net je site bekeken ook nette stats voor je leeftijd en gewicht.
links werken niet meer :mad:

Heeft iemand de originele tekst op zijn computer staan ? Als ik rond goochel dan vind ik vooral beschrijvingen van anderen...
Monthly Training Plan - 1

In base (preparation) period by coach Boris Sheiko (Russia)

(50% 5X1 – where: 50% - percentage of maximum; 5 – reps; 1 - sets)


1 day (Monday)

1.Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х2,70% 3Х2,75% 3Х5.(34)
2.Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 5Х2,70% 5Х5.(40)
3.Bench press 50% 6Х1,60% 6Х2,65% 6Х4.(42)
4.Flat dumbbells “flies”10Х5.
5.”Good mornings” (standing) 5Х5.
Total: 116 lifts

3 day (Wednesday)

1.Deadlift 50% 5Х1,60% 5Х2,70% 4Х2,75% 3Х4.(35)
2.Incline bench press 4Х6.
3.Dips 5Х5.
4.Deadlift from boxes 50% 5Х1,60% 5Х2,70% 4Х2,80% 3Х4.(35)
5.Squats “Scissors” 5+5Х5.
6.Abs 10Х3.
Total: 65 lifts

5 day (Friday)

1.Bench press 50% 7Х1,55% 6Х1,60% 5Х1,65% 4Х1, 70% 3Х2,75% 2Х2,70% 3Х2,65% 4Х1, 60% 6Х1,55% 8Х1,50% 10Х1.(66)
2.Flat dumbbells “flies”10Х5.
3.Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х2,70% 3Х2,75% 3Х5.(34)
4.French press 10Х5.
5.”Good mornings” (seating) 5Х5.
Total: 100 lifts

Total in a week: 286 lifts


1 day (Monday)

1.Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х2,70% 3Х2,80%2Х5.(29)
2.Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 2Х6.(27)
3.Flat dumbbells “flies”10Х5.
4.Push ups on the floor with weight (hands shoulders wider) 10Х5
5.Squat 55% 3Х1,65% 3Х1,75% 3Х4.(18)
6.”Good mornings” (standing) 5Х5.
Total: 74 lifts

3 day (Wednesday)

1.Deadlift till knees 50% 4Х1,60% 4Х2,70% 4Х4.(28)
2.Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 5Х2,70% 4Х5.(35)
3.Flat dumbbells “flies”10Х5.
4.Deadlift 50% 4Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,75% 3Х5.(29)
5.Squat “scissors” 5+5Х5.
Total: 92 lifts

5 day (Friday)

1.Squat 50% 4Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,75% 3Х6(29)
2.Bench press 50% 6Х1,60% 5Х1,70% 4Х2,75% 3Х2,80% 2Х2, 75% 4Х1,70% 5Х1,60% 6Х1,50% 7Х1.(51)
3.Flat dumbbells “flies”10Х5.
4.Triceps 10Х5.
5.Squat 55% 3Х1,65% 3Х1,75% 2Х4.(14)
6.”Good mornings” (seated) 6Х5.
Total: 80 lifts

Total in a week: 246 lifts


1 day (Monday)

1.Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х2,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х5.(34)
2.Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х5.(30)
3.Flat dumbbells “flies”10Х5.
4.Push ups with weight 10Х5.
5.Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 5Х1,70% 5Х5.(35)
6.”Good mornings” (standing) 5Х5.
Total: 99 lifts

3 day (Wednesday)

1.Deadlift till knees 50% 4Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 4Х2,75% 4Х4(32)
2.Bench press 50% 6Х1,60% 5Х1,70% 4Х2,75% 3Х2, 80% 2Х2,75% 3х2,70% 4Х1,65% 5Х1, 60% 6Х1,55% 7Х1,50% 8Х1.(65)
3.Flat dumbbells “flies”10Х5.
4.Deadlift from boxes 60% 5Х1,70% 5Х2,80% 4Х4.(31)
5.Squat “Scissors” 5+5Х5.
6.Abs 10Х3.
Total: 123 lifts

5 day (Friday)

1.Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 2Х5.(25)
2.Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 5Х1,70% 5Х2,75% 4Х5.(40)
3.Bench press 50% 6Х1,60% 6Х2,65% 6Х4.(42)
4.Flat dumbbells “flies”10Х5.
5.”Good mornings” (standing) 5Х5.
Total: 107 lifts

Total in a week: 329 lifts


1 day (Monday))

1.Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х2, 85% 2Х3.(27)
2.Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х5.(30)
3.Flat dumbbells “flies”10Х5.
4.Dips 8Х5.
5.Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 2Х4.(23)
6.”Good mornings” (standing) 5Х5.
Total: 80 lifts

3 day (Wednesday)

1.Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х2, 85% 2Х3.(27)
2.Deadlift 50% 4Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х2, 85% 2Х3.(26)
3.Bench press 55% 5Х1,65% 5Х1,75% 4Х4.(26)
4.Flat dumbbells “flies”10Х5.
5.Squats “Scissors” 5+5Х5.
Total: 79 lifts

5 day (Friday)

1.Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х6.(33)
2.Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 5Х1,70% 5Х5.(40)
3.Flat dumbbells “flies”10Х5.
4.Dips 8Х5.
5.”Good mornings” (seating) 5Х5.
6.Abs 10Х3.
Total: 73 lifts

Total in a week: 232 lifts
Total in a month: 1093 lifts
Monthly Training Plan - 2

In base (preparation) period by coach Boris Sheiko

(50% 5X1 – where: 50% - percentage of maximum; 5 – reps; 1 - sets)


1 day (Monday)

1. Bench press 50% 5Х1, 60% 4Х2, 70% 3Х2, 80% 3Х6 (37)
2. Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х5 (30)
3. Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 5Х1,70% 5Х5 (35)
4. Flat dumbbells “flies” 10Х5.
5. Squat 55% 5Х1,65% 4Х1,75% 3Х5 (24)
5. ”Good mornings” (standing) 5Х5.
Total: 126 lifts

3 day (Wednesday)

1. Deadlift 50% 4Х1,60% 4Х2,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х5.(33)
2. Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 5Х1,70% 4Х2,75% 3Х2,80% 2Х2, 85% 1Х2,80% 2Х2,75% 3Х2,70% 4Х1,65% 6Х1, 60% 8Х1,55% 10Х1,50% 12Х1 (80)
3. Flat dumbbells “flies” 10Х5.
4. Deadlift from boxes 60% 5Х1,70% 4Х2,80% 3Х3,90% 2Х4 (30)
5. Squats “Scissors” 5+5Х5.
6. Abs 10Х3.
Total: 143 lifts

5 day (Friday)

1. Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х2,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х5 (34)
2. Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х2,70% 3Х2,80% 2Х6 (31)
3. Dips 6Х5.
4. Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 5Х2,70% 4Х4 (31)
4. French press 10Х5.
5. ”Good mornings” (seating) 5Х5.
Total: 96 lifts

Total in a week: 286 lifts


1 day (Monday)

1. Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х2,70% 3Х2,80% 2Х2, 90% 1Х3 (26)
2. Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 2Х6 (27)
3. Flat dumbbells “flies”10Х5.
4. Push ups on the floor with weight (hands wider shoulders) 10Х5.
5. Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 2Х4 (23)
6. ”Good mornings” (standing) 5Х5.
Total: 76 lifts

3 day (Wednesday)

1. Deadlift till knees 50% 4Х1,60% 4Х2,70% 3Х2,75% 3Х4(30)
2. Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 5Х1,70% 4Х2,75% 3Х2, 80% 2Х2,75% 3Х2,70% 5Х2,60% 7Х1,50% 9Х1(60)
3. Flat dumbbells “flies”10Х5.
4. Deadlift 50% 4Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х5.(29)
5. Squats “Scissors” 5+5Х5.
Total:119 lifts

5 day (Friday)

1. Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х2,70% 3Х2,80% 2Х5 (29)
2. Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 5Х2,70% 5Х5 (40)
3. Bench press 55% 4Х1,65% 3Х1,75% 2Х5 (17)
4. Dips 8Х5.
5. Leg presses 6Х5.
6. ”Good mornings” (seating) 6Х5.
Total: 86 lifts

Total in a week: 281 lifts


1 day (Monday)

1. Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х2,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х5.(34)
2. Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х5.(30)
3. Squat 50% 6Х1,60% 6Х1,65% 6Х4 (36)
4. Bench press 55% 5Х1,65% 5Х2,75% 4Х4 (31)
5. Flat dumbbells “flies”10Х5.
6. ”Good mornings” (standing) 5Х5.
Total:131 lifts

3 day (Wednesday)

1. Deadlift 50% 4Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х3, 85% 2Х3 (29)
2. Bench press 50% 6Х1,60% 5Х1,70% 4Х2,75% 3Х2, 80% 2Х2,85% 1Х2,80% 2Х2.75% 3х2, 70% 5Х1,65% 7Х1,60% 9Х1,55% 11Х1, 50% 13Х1 (86)
3. Flat dumbbells “flies”10Х5.
4. Deadlift from boxes 65% 5Х1,75% 5Х2,85% 4Х4.(31)
5. Squats “Scissors” 5+5Х5.
6. Abs 10Х3.
Total: 146 lifts

5 day (Friday)

1. Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х6 (33)
2. Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х2, 85% 2рХ3п,80% 3Х3 (36)
3. Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 5Х2,70% 5Х5.(40)
4. Flat dumbbells “flies”10Х5.
5. ”Good mornings” (seating) 5Х5.
Total: 109 lifts

Total in a week: 386 lifts


1 day (Monday)

1. Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х2, 85% 2Х2,90% 1Х2 (27)
2. Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х2, 85% 2Х2,80% 3Х2 (31)
3. Flat dumbbells “flies” 10Х5.
4. Dips 8Х5.
5. Squat 55% 4Х1,65% 4Х1,75% 3Х5 (23)
6. ”Good mornings” (standing) 5Х5.
Total: 81 lifts

3 day (Wednesday)

1. Deadlift till knees 50% 3Х1, 60% 3Х2, 70% 3Х2, 75% 2Х4(23)
2. Bench press 50% 5Х1, 60% 5Х1, 70% 4Х2, 75% 3Х2, 80% 3Х2, 75% 4Х1, 70% 5Х1, 65% 6Х1, 60% 7Х1, 55% 8Х1, 50% 9Х1 (65)
3. Deadlift 50% 4Х1, 60% 4Х1, 70% 3Х2, 80% 3Х6 (32)
4. Flat dumbbells “flies”10Х5.
5. Squats “Scissors” 5+5Х5.
6. Abs 10Х3.
Total: 120 lifts

5 day (Friday)

1. Squat 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х7 (36)
2. Bench press 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 2Х6 (27)
3. Flat dumbbells “flies”10Х5.
4. Dips 8Х5.
5. ”Good mornings” (seating) 5Х5.
Total: 63 lifts

Total in a week: 264 lifts
Total in a month: 1296 lifts
Advanced - 1


1.b.p. – 50% 5rХ1s, 60% 4rХ1s,70% 3rХ2s, 80% 3rХ5s (30)
3.b.p. – 55% 5rХ1s,65% 5rх1s,75% 4rХ4s (26)

1.Incline bench press 4Х6. (24)
2.Dips 6Х5. (with weights)

1.b.p – 50% 6Х1,60%5Х1,70% 4Х2,75% 3Х2,80% 2Х2, 85%, 1Х2,80% 2Х2,75% 3Х2,70% 4Х1,65% 5Х1, 60%, 6Х1,55% 7Х1,50% 8Х1. (71)

2.b.p. – 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 2Х5 (25)

2.Press behind the neck 5Х5. (25)
3.Dips 4Х6.

Total in a week – 201 lifts
Power (intensiveness) – 67.1%


1.b.p. 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 2Х2,90% 1Х3 (22)
3.b.p. 50% 3Х1,60% 3Х1,70%3Х1,80% 2Х5 (19)

2. Dips 5Х5.

2.b.p. 55% 5X1,65% 4Х1,75% 3Х2,85% 2Х4 (23)

2.b.p. 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х7 (36)

2.b.p. 55% 5Х1,65% 5Х1,75% 4Х5 (30)
4.Triceps 10Х5.

Total in a week: 130 lifts
Intensiveness - 71,5 %


1.b.p. 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х5 (30)
3.b.p. 50% 5Х1,60% 5Х1,70% 5Х5 (35)

2.b.p. 55% 4Х1,65% 4Х1,75% 3Х4 (20)

1.b.p. 50% 8Х1,55% 7Х1,60% 6Х1,65% 5Х1,70% 4Х1,
75% 3Х2,80% 2Х2,75% 3Х2,70% 4Х1,65% 6Х1,
60% 8Х1,55% 10Х1,50% 12X1 (86)

2.b.p. 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,75% 3Х6 (33)

2.b.p. 50% 6Х1,60% 6Х1,65% 6Х4 (36)

Total in a week: 240 lifts
Intensiveness – 64,7 %


2.b.p. 50% 4Х1,60% 4Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 2Х5 (24)

2.Incline bench press 3Х5. (15)
3.Dips 6Х5.

2.b.p. 50% 5Х1,60% 4Х 1,70% 3Х2,75% 2Х2,80% 1Х3, 75% 2Х2,70% 4Х1,60% 6Х1,50% 8Х1 (44)

2.b.p. 55% 4Х1,65% 4Х1,75% 3Х2,85% 2Х4 (22)

2.Bar press behind the neck 4Х5. (20)
3.Triceps 10Х5.

Total in a week: 120 lifts.
Intensiveness – 67,2%
Advanced - 2


2.b.p. 50% 3Х1,60% 3Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х6 (30)

1.Incline bench press 3Х5. (15)

1.b.p. 50% 3Х1,60% 3Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 2Х3,85% 1Х3 (21)

1.b.p. 50% 3Х1,60% 3Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х5 (27)
3.b.p. 55% 4Х1,65% 4Х1,75% 4Х4 (24)


Total in a week: 117 lifts.
Intensiveness – 71,6%


1.b.p. 55% 3Х1,65% 3Х1,75% 3Х2,85% 2Х4 (20)
3.b.p. 50% 3Х1,60% 3Х1,70% 3Х1,80% 3Х6 (27)

1.Press behind the neck 4Х5. (20)

1.b.p..50% 3Х1,60% 3Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 2Х8 (28)

1.b.p. 50% 3Х1,60% 3Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 2Х2, 85% 2Х3,80% 2Х2 (26)

1.b.p. 55% 3Х1,65% 3Х2.75% 2Х4 (14)

Total in a week: 135 lifts
Intensiveness – 72,7%


2.b.p. 50% 3Х1,60% 3Х1,70% 3Х2,75% 2Х4 (20)


1. b.p. 50% 3Х1,60% 3Х1, 70% 2Х2,80% 1Х2, 90% 1Х1, 95–100% 1Х2–3 (16)

1.b.p. 50% 3Х1,60% 3Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 2Х5 (22)

1.b.p. 55% 3Х1,65% 3Х2,75% 3Х4 (21)

Total in a week: 79 lifts.
Intensiveness –70,0%


2.b.p. 50% 3Х1,60% 3Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 2Х3, 90% 1Х2, 80% 2Х2 (24)


1.b.p. 55% 3Х1,65% 3Х1,75% 3Х2,85% 2Х3,80% 3Х2 (24)

2.b.p. 50% 3Х1,60% 3Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 3Х5 (27)

1.b.p. 55% 3Х1,65% 3Х1,75% 2Х5 (16)

Total in a week: 91 lifts
Intensiveness – 71,8%


2.b.p. 50% 3Х1,60% 3Х1,70% 3Х2,80% 2Х4 (20)


1.b.p. 50% 3Х1,60% 3Х1,70% 2Х2,80% 1Х3 (13)

1.b.p. 50% 3Х1,60%3Х1,70% 3Х2,75% 2Х4 (20)


Total in a week: 53 lifts
Intensiveness – 67,7%


1.b.p. 50% 3Х1,60% 3Х1,70% 2Х2,75% 1Х2 (12)

Tuesday OFF

1.b.p. 50% 3Х1,60% 3Х2,70% 1Х3 (12)

Thursday OFF

Friday OFF

Total in a week: 24 lifts
Intensiveness – 61,7%

Saturday-Sunday CONTEST
Even een vraag waarop ik ondertussen het antwoord (waarschijnlijk) wel weet maar ik wil het voor de zekerheid graag bevestigd krijgen (zodat ik niet nog een keer een fout maak:o ); bij de ‘deadlift from boxes’ moet het gewicht toch van een verhoging getild worden (ipv er zelf op staan)?
Inderdaad, zeer goed voor overload. Wij hebben daarvoor houten blokken gemaakt met een holle gebogen bovenkant zodat de schijven er netjes in passen en de baar er niet af rolt.
Inderdaad, zeer goed voor overload. Wij hebben daarvoor houten blokken gemaakt met een holle gebogen bovenkant zodat de schijven er netjes in passen en de baar er niet af rolt.

Oke, thanx!

ik ben dus bezig met het sheiko programma ‘training plan – 1’ en deze heb ik met formules in excel gezet. Dus even je max invullen en niet meer rekenen.
Misschien kan ik ‘m naar iemand mailen die het bestand dan naar dit draadje kan linken (want dat krijg ik zelf niet voor elkaar).
Ik ben nog aan het twijfelen of ik zo'n hoog volume ooit aan kan, zeker als vrije tijds krachtsporter die nog vele activiteiten na de gym heeft.
Naar boven